- 6.
“Who approved this?! I said no way!”
Chad grabbed the paperwork out of my hands
and ripped it to shreds right in front of me.
Then he turned on the manager.
“Sarah is a… senior employee! She’s worked
her butt off for this company! Who gave you the
right to talk to her like that? If it happens again,
you can pack your own damn bags!”
Chad was throwing a fit about my resignation,
and the entire HR department got an earful.
If this had happened before, seeing the man I
loved standing up for me would have made me
Now, it just made me sick.
Maybe he’d forgotten, but I’d never forget that
he was the one who pushed me off the cliff and
into this mess in the first place.
After his little outburst, Chad dragged me into
his office.
After three years of building this thing together,
I should have had my own spot in this fancy
Now, I was just the workhorse everyone hated.
I’d already made up my mind to leave. I pulled
out the extra copy of my resignation from my
Then, I added the divorce papers.
“Perfect timing. Let’s just get this all signed.”
Chad snatched the papers, glanced at them,
and his face turned dark. He crumpled them up
and threw them on the floor.
He took a few deep breaths, trying to keep his
voice down.
“Sarah, I’ve said this a million times. I can’t lose
you. nor this business.”
He sighed.
“I’m sorry about yesterday Christmas party. The
comment made you feel bad.”
“If you want a ring, a purse, whatever, I’ll buy it.
What did I do to make you turn away from this
I stared at this guy in front of me.
I was speechless with laughter.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s me, I
Yeah, I’d never wake a person who was
pretending to be asleep.
Chad slammed his hand on the desk.
“Exactly! Then why not fix yourself? Can the old
games solve anything?”
Looking at the scumbag in front of me, I
realized I’d wasted the last three years of my
“Fine, if you’re not going to take my
resignation, then follow policy. Fire me in three
days. As for the divorce, if you’re not signing, I’ll
see you in court.”
I grabbed my bag and stood up. I remembered
something else.
“Oh, when you go meet Tiffany, remember to
bring a gift. Don’t show up empty–handed, like
last time.”
I walked toward the door, and Chad started to
explain frantically.
“Tiffany was joking. Don’t be upset!”
He jumped up and ran after me. He made it
halfway out the door before Tiffany cut him off.
“Chad, you’re the best! Should we spend
Christmas together?”
Chad hesitated for about three seconds. Then
he turned back to comfort his assistant.
“Tiffany, I’m so sorry, you are the prettiest girl
I laughed and walked away.