- 5.
Just when everyone was giving me the “You go, girl!” treatment, Chad posted again on Insta.
This time, it was a picture of him and Brittany,
but she was strategically hiding half her face.
“My one and only.”
The internet imploded.
I suddenly had a new nickname: “The Three-
Day Girlfriend.”
“OMG, does Chad have a thing for damaged
goods or what?”
“They were only together for like, five minutes?
Sarah must’ve done something horrible to get
dumped so fast.”
“I heard she’s the one who messed up Brittany’s
face in the first place…”
“Seriously? That’s messed up!”
“@GossipGirl, spill the tea!!!”
After that commenter chimed in, the narrative
completely flipped.
Everyone went from feeling sorry for me to
calling me a manipulative psycho who ruined
her roommate’s life to snag a boyfriend.
Then, Brittany poured gasoline on the fire.
She posted a video, saying basically, “Guys, lay
off Sarah. We still have to live together until
graduation, and I’ve already forgiven her.”
She then snuggled up to Chad and started fake–crying into his chest.
Unsurprisingly, that video cemented my place in the hall of shame.
Kayla was livid and started arguing with the
haters online.
Of course, she got branded as my accomplice and got flamed right along with me.
Then, she remembered she had recorded her FaceTime with her boyfriend the day the bug landed on Brittany’s face. She wanted to post
the video to clear my name.
I stopped her.
“Not yet. We need to hold onto that. It’ll come
in handy later.”
Kayla didn’t get it, but she trusted me.
That night, Brittany came back from her date
with Chad.
She sashayed over to my bed, oozing
“So, what good is being smart? What good is
being pretty? You still couldn’t hold onto your
“I told you, Chad was always meant to be mine.
The higher you fly, the harder you fall. I just had
to give things a little nudge, and you became
the most hated girl on campus.”
“You know what, Sarah? People like you should
just die!”
As she leaned in, I suddenly noticed a hickey on
her neck.
I pretended to cry, but inside, I was laughing.
Perfect. The two toxic losers were finally
And Chad obviously hadn’t clued her in on his
medical history.
Brittany was gonna pay a steep price for her