“You’re going first, Matt. Since you’re determined to keep avoiding Lia we think it will be best that you face the situation and spend some quality time with her first.”
My face fell. “No.”
“What do you mean no?” Rain gasped. “Dude, you can’t just say no.”
“Yes I can and I just did. I’m not going to be the first one to go ahead and spend time with her,” I muttered. “I have no problem spending time with her at all. But I won’t be the first. Let me be the second.”
Colby sighed. “Then you’ll probably back out or make some excuse. Why can’t you just accept that you have the most awkward relationship with her out of everyone?”
“I do accept it, Colby but it still doesn’t mean that I am going to be the one who is willing to take the first plunge. Rain can do it”
“I mean, okay if that’s what you want-”
“Rain,” Jesse warned, narrowing his eyes. “No.”
Rain sighed, giving me a sympathetic look. “Sorry about that Matt, but Jesse scares me more than a little bit so I’m going to just back off. I’ll gladly be the second person of something.”
“Jesse, Rain might be afraid of you but I’m not,” I muttere
He smiled. “True, but we can always talk about this with Li and say that you are waffling on spending one–on- one time with her. Can you imagine how hurt she would be if that happened?”
“This is blackmail.”
Colby stifled a laugh. “Matt, I think that’s the point.”
They were putting me in a tricky situation. If I refused to go then they were going to talk to Lia, which would make things even more awkward for the two of us. But if I went on this outing with her it was going to cause me extreme distress and massive levels of awkwardness.
“I hate all of you.”
Rain sniffed. “Matt, my man, I know you’re just saying that because you’re hurt. Trust that all of us, even Jesse, love you. We only want what is best for you.”
“Still hate all of you.”
- Team Mission Lia
Matt, you’re going to make Rain cry,” Colby hissed, gesturing to their friend who was tearing up.”
1 sighed. “Rain I don’t hate any of you. I’m just angry.”
“So, you’ll do it?” Rain asked.
If I said no then I was going to disappoint one of my best friends and Lia. Or rather not disappoint her but make things more awkward.
“Fine, I’ll do it but know that 1 am going to hate all of you for the next few hours.”
Jesse smiled, the smile even reaching his eyes. “Good. Colby made reservations for dinner and then the two of you can see a movie.”
These assholes. They were planning the whole thing and knew I was going to back down in the end!
I never stood a chance.
12 Mode Tickets
- Movie Tickets
I kept pacing in front of Lia’s room. She had to smell and hear me. The pacing was just going to make her nervous, but if anyone was extremely nervous in this situation then it was me. It felt like my heart was going to leap right out of my chest.
“Why are you pacing outside the room?” Rain hissed from gown the hall. “Matt just knocks on the door and asks Lia if you can speak with her.”
“And if she says nb?”
“Then tell her everything through the door. Problem solved!”
I sighed, deciding it was better to take Rain’s advice than just pacing back and forth, doing nothing but wearing a path on the carpet
So, I took a breath, knocking rapidly at the door.
“Hey, Lia… it’s Matt.”
“I know, I can smell you.”
1 cursed under my breath God, why was she such an awkward idiot when it came to her now?
“Anyway, can I come in?”
With my nerves on edge, I walked inside and stayed in the doorway. Standing in the room where she spent her time was difficult. Her scent was overpowering.
“I… was wondering if you wanted to hang out,” I muttered
“You want to hang out?” Lia asked, confused.
I sighed. “Okay, let me just get straight to the point. The guys were talking and we want to spend some one–on- one time with you. Colby made reservations and bought movie tickets for us, figuring I would chicken out.”
The look on Lia’s face shifted from one of uncertainty and confusion to one of amusement.
“You and I are both in agreement about this then.”
1 sighed again. “Is that a yes or a no, Lia?”
“I’ll go since you asked so bluntly.”
She made a point of not saying that I asked nicely, but she was right. I hadn’t exactly been that nice with my questions. Instead, I was rather blunt and curt, wanting to get straight to the point. However, that’s what I wanted to do!
It was easier to just tell her everything that was going on inany mind because beating around the bush was never a
clever idea.
“Okay so let’s leave around 5:00 pm tonight,” I told her. “We’ll take my car… if that’s all right.”
“It is.”