We went to get lunch.
Spike picked up my tray and put a chicken leg
on it.
“Thank you.”
Chad and Tiffany looked betrayed.
Spike sighed and added chicken legs for them.
I just looked for an empty seat.
Spike took the seat next to me.
Tiffany frowned, wanting to sit across from him.
Chad got angry: “I’ll sit across from Spike if you
sit across from Sarah.”
Tiffany: “Why?”
I said, “They are both guys. What do you think
will happen?”
She smiled: “You’ll never know.
“Let’s compromise, sit where you want,” I said.
Finally, we agreed.
Spike was next to me.
I was across from Chad.
Chad was next to Tiffany.
Tiffany was across from Spike.
Reference as follows:
Tiffany Chad
Spike I
I’m happy now.
It was time to eat.
The atmosphere was awkward.
Chad broke the silence.
“Did you get the last question right?”
“You did?” He looked nervous. “You drew the
additional line?”
“To point A?”
“What happened?” He grew more nervous.
I laughed and said, “I might be wrong.”
He breathed and said, “Please tell me.”
I told him the line.
His body sunk as he ate more food.
Spike lost it: “You’re just eating! Why are you
Tiffany yelled: “We don’t need more than two
people, okay?”
The lunch passed.
Chad and I went back to the class, while Tiffany
and Spike went wherever they wanted.