Tiffany jumped out of her chair, “Excuse me?
Who the hell is this?!”
The other woman barked back, “I’m his
girlfriend! Who are you?!”
Tiffany’s face went crimson. She clutched the
phone. “Jake, you better explain this mess right
The other woman was yelling through the
phone, “You skank! You’re trying to steal my
man! I’m gonna come over there and scratch
your eyes out!”
Jake had no idea what was going on. He
snatched the phone. “Who the hell is this?
You’ve got the wrong number, I’ve never even met you!”
He hung up, looking like a deer caught in
headlights. He pulled Tiffany into a hug. “Baby,
trust me, I have no idea who that was. She has to have the wrong guy.”
I just chuckled, “Bro, I heard her call you ‘Jake‘.
That’s not a mistake.”
Tiffany was already in tears.
Jake’s eyes narrowed, “Did you do this? You’re
just jealous because we have something
special, and you’re all alone. You found some
random girl to stir up drama?”
I put on my most innocent face. “I swear I
didn’t do a thing.”
He shot back, “Well, who else would it be?”
Tiffany glared at me. “Riley, you are so evil. You
know he’s your brother, why do you always do
these things?”
Evil? They were the ones trying to steal my
career, trying to bury me in the woods!
Dinner turned into a massive disaster. We went
home, and before Jake could even whine to
Mom and Dad, they dropped a bomb on me.
“Riley, honey, we think you should move out,”
my mom said with a cold tone.
I was stunned. “Tiffany’s parents called us, said
their daughter’s about to start a six–figure
salary job, and they’re worried she’ll be
supporting you when she marries your brother,”
mom continued, looking at me like I was some
“As your parents, we get their side of it. For
Jake’s sake, and for our own future happiness,
we need you to leave.”
I looked at Dad, my last hope. “Dad, you feel
this way too?”
He just nodded. “Don’t blame us, you have no
one to blame but yourself. You should have
your own six–figure job, not be a freeloader.”
I stared at them in shock. How could they even
say something like that? Ever since college, I’d
been paying my own way. I covered all my living
expenses, and I gave them money every month
for rent, for utilities, for food. I even paid for
Jake’s spending cash.
I’d always given them presents, nice gifts on birthdays. I thought we were a family. They were treating me like some random person.
“Fine” I said my voice rough “Since you value
“Fine,” I said, my voice rough. “Since you value your future million–dollar daughter–in–law more than your own flesh and blood, I guess there’s no point in staying. Let’s just get a legal document that we will no longer be related.”
My brother wrote the document. My parents signed without a second thought. Then, he grabbed my hand, and forced me to write out my name, crooked and shaky.
I was dragging my suitcase out the door. No one said a word. No one tried to stop me.
I turned back for one last look and saw them
already talking excitedly about their bright
future, basking in the joy of having their future bread–winner in the family.