I thought I had gotten rid of him, but it looked like my problems were just starting.
I was just finalizing a new project, when Tiffany called.
She looked at my professional clothing, “You have everything I should have had.”
I wanted to end the conversation immediately, “If that’s what you want to say, I’ll head back to work now.”
“Did you tell my Jake something? He’s always
so busy, and he won’t talk to me.”
- 00.
These two are perfect for each other, just a few weeks ago he was complaining that she was ignoring him, now she is complaining that he is ignoring her.
I was sure I knew what was happening, she was a princess and he was a player. They were only together because he couldn’t have her, now they had problems.
I didn’t say anything.
She must have thought I agreed, because she
started yelling. “You are not related to my Jake
anymore, why are you trying to stop us from
being together?”
“You stole my job, are you trying to steal my
man as well?”
What a load of garbage. “Tiffany, you’re the
one that stole my job, not the other way around,
I can sue you for what you did.”
She looked away, “Well, it’s all your fault that I don’t have a job anymore.”
How stupid could she be.
“You know, everyone seems to hate you. Even your own family was willing to get rid of you,
your brother even helped me screw you over, don’t you ever think that the problem is you?”
My hand made a loud slapping noise, and all
the people around were shocked.
“Tiffany, let me tell you something, is it possible
that your boyfriend is cheating on you, and
maybe you should have a look at yourself. Are
you not pretty enough, not smart enough, not
good enough at keeping a guy?”
“That’s not true, my Jake is madly in love with
me!” she screamed.
I was surprised. “Is that why you have been
getting calls from other women saying that they
are his girlfriend, or was that a coincidence?”
She paled. “How… how did you know?”
“I grew up with him, I know how he is. Tiffany,
you should be thanking me. If it wasn’t for me,
you might have lived your life in a lie.”
She was quiet for a minute. “That’s not true,
my Jake would never lie to me.”
I was laughing. “You really love to live in a
dream land. My brother doesn’t even know what
love means.”