It was a tiny shop with a sign that said: [Wish:
10 dollars].
I walked inside, and a girl with glasses said:
“Have a seat.
I grabbed a peach soda and replied: “Have we
I remember.
As I was dying, I heard a voice. “Would you like
do it again?”
It was her!
She took a sip of her banana milk. “It’s good
that you remember.”
There was banging noises in the back. She
shouted: “Don’t hurt the cat!”
A guy came with a cat and replied: “It’s a girl.”
“I know! I want to see if it will turn into a
They were fighting, but I think I knew now.
The boy’s name was Jake, he takes down
And she was Amy, she rewinds people.
They run a shop to help clients with dreams.
I was reborn because of them.
I thanked them, but Amy stopped me. “Don’t
worry, thank Tiffany.”
“She’s our business’s angel investor.”
Tiffany ran inside in tatters.
“Who decided to set this place up?”
She looked at me and said: “Ah, you came.”
Tiffany took a water and sat down, listening to
my report.
We were splitting 50-50.
“At first, you were our client, and they wanted
me to take care of you.
“But you have so much more potential.
“I talked to my dad, and we think it fits.
“When you graduate, maybe you could join
Sterling Entertainment, and run it!”
I was emotional.
Tiffany was a good person and paid for
people’s dreams, and not all of them came to
I can’t fail her.
Sarah ran off.
Little did she know, Tiffany was about to fight
“If you speak halfway, I’m going to kill you!”
That’s how it happened:
Amy and Jake made Tiffany say that the client
had the same college and was poor.
Tiffany asked who she was and Amy didn’t
So, Tiffany listened to everyone that had a
“Over a hundred! Most lost it all!”
Amy dodged Tiffany’s attacks: “Only 90.”
“The others didn’t lose everything yet.” Tiffany
Jake hugged the cat, and watched on.
“If there isn’t anything to do, remember that you’re taking a risk, and invest carefully!”
The End