- Breakfast
The pot I pulled out from the cabinet slipped out of my hands and clattered loudly onto the floor. I let out a nervous shout, trying to grab it before it made any more noise but I ended up dropping it again!
Footsteps from above caused me to freeze. Shit, did I wake some of them up? I wasn’t trying to wake anyone up!
“Rain, what the hell are you doing?” asked Colby who popped his head into the room.
I paled. “Shit, did I wake you up?
“No, I came down to get some coffee so I was already awake. The more important question is why are you down here? You hate getting up early.”
“I’m making breakfast in bed for Lia,” I said proudly.
Colby paled. “You’re going to cook?”
“Rain you, the man who has a toaster on fire trying to make toast, is going to make breakfast?”
1 frowned. “Hey, I’m just making eggs!”
“I remember the one time you made eggs when we were on that Rugby retreat. Somehow they turned out to be runny and burnt at the same time. No one could figure out how you did something like that.”
“I was trying two things at once.”
“Rain, it still makes no sense.”
I shrugged. “Oh well, I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos since then so I have the utmost confidence that I can make some great eggs.”
Colby started rummaging around through the kitchen, making me frown. He disappeared but reappeared with a fire extinguisher.
“Do you know how to use this?”
“Uh, of course I do. They taught us to use it during camp each year we went back. You know, just in case.”
Colby sighed. “Good then if there is a fire go ahead and use it. I’m going to pour myself some coffee and head back upstairs.”
“Hey, I’m not going to need it!” I argued, but Colby just shook his head.
My friends and family always underestimated me. Yes, I could be a bit of an airhead and a goofball, but the truth was I had my serious moments! Rugby was the thing I excelled best at. School was something that didn’t come as eastly to me. Most of my grades were good. It just took me longer than most.
Cooking, however, was not one of those things I excelled at I had the cooking skills of a newborn baby but had done my best to learn as much as I could over the past few hours.
It was romantic to break someone’s breakfast in bed so I was going to cook her some eggs, bring them upstairs, and hope that the two of us could talk for a while.
Wait, maybe I should have found out if she was even awake or liked eggs in the first place.
13 Breakfast
What was I thinking?
I think that was the problem. There was no thinking being done but I suppose that it was too late now. Everything was all ready and set to be cooked.
Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the apron and prepared to cook. It started all right, but then I smelled something burning. Shouting in surprise, I grabbed the pan and moved it off the burner.
The eggs were burnt. They were very black. I don’t think eggs were supposed to be so crispy.
That’s okay, I could do this! I just needed to try a new batch Then I would be on my way to making breakfast for
The sound of the smoke alarm going off caused me to jerk qut of bed. With the kitchen right below me, I heard it almost like it was right in my room! I threw a robe over my pajamas, rushed downstairs, and found a sight that shocked me to my very core.
Rain stood there, trying to run away the heavy black smoke coming from the stove. The food… or whatever it was, was pitch black and stuck to the pan. Oh, the pan.
It was ruined.
I started to laugh, not bothering to contain my laughter. The pan was nothing important. It was an old pan that my
parents had
“Uh, Lia. hi.”
“Hi Rain,” 1 greeted, giggling softly. “What were you trying to do here?”
“I was cooking.”
“That doesn’t look like food.”
His shoulders slumped. “I did try to make some eggs but I underestimated how tricky eggs can be to cook. Or it’s Just me.”
“Well, from what I can tell you haven’t been great when it comes to cooking. Michael has told me a few about your cooking exploits in the past. All of them ended badly.”
Somehow, Rain’s shoulders slumped even further.
“Okay, yeah maybe I should’ve just made some cereal,” he uttered. “I was trying to make you breakfast in bed. At least I was attempting to. Now I’ve woken you up.”
“The bigger issue is that the food is inedible.”
Rain looked devastated. He was staring at the pan like he wanted to grab it and throw it out the window or something. As much anger as I held towards him in the past, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
“Why don’t you throw that away? I’ll order out and we can have some breakfast together.”
His eyes widened, a grin splitting across his face. “Really?
1.3. Breakfast
“Yes, really,” I said laughing.
“Okay, I’ll get to that then!”
While he cleaned up the kitchen, I went to my room to grab my phone. I ordered some simple breakfast for us before returning downstairs.
“So, this was your attempt to spend time with me?”
Rain blinked. “Yeah. Matt and you went on the date so I offered to do something for this morning. I didn’t know it was going to turn out so… smokey.”
“That happens when you burn things.”
I was trying hard not to break out into a fit of giggles again but it was difficult when he was looking at me like this, almost like a puppy dog.
But to make no mistake there was a wolf inside there.
When I made my way downstairs, the mess was half cleaned up. Rain looked like a mess but the kitchen looked much better.
“The food is on its way,” I told Rain who grinned at me sheepishly.
“Thanks, Lia. I’m… sorry I ruined the breakfast. I thought I could handle making some eggs but I couldn’t.” “Next time I’ll help you,” I assured him
“Wait, for real?”
“Yes because I don’t want you to burn the house down.”
Rain huffed. “Hey, there’s a fire extinguisher right there on the counter! I was prepared.”
“You put that out?”
“Colby did, but I know how to use it.”
I tried to offer to help Rain clean up but he refused, telling the he just wanted me to relax. Sighing, I sat down on the counter and watched as he tried his best to clean up before the food arrived. The result was Rain cleaning up the kitchen entirely by the time it came.
“Rain I’ll get it. Go upstairs and clean up a bit. You still smell like smoke and burnt eggs.
He ran upstairs, making me laugh.
Hain’s teasing v
Out of all my brother’s the one was usually able to deal with the best. The teasing did bother me but his teasing was usually more on the silly and slightly immature side because that was simply his personality.
Rain came down and sat at the table with me. The two of usate, Rain talking enough for the two of us. He would ask me questions, breaking me out of my thoughts. I’d try my best to answer, but it was difficult because this was
new to me.
Thanks for trying to cook breakfast.”
He grinned. “It’s no problem, I mean, it was almost a problem but I’m glad that it didn’t turn into one.
13 Breakfast
“The house is grateful for that as well.”
“Just so you know I’ve only set a few things on fire in my life.”
“Rain, I’ve never set anything on fire.”
Rain shrugged. “Hey never say never. There is a first time or something.”
“I don’t want to set anything on fire.”
“Spend enough time around me, Lia and you’ll be setting things on fire once a month.”
I laughed. “Rain you’re ridiculous.”
“Most people tell me that but I’ll tell you a secret,” he whispered, leaning closer towards me, “Sometimes I put on an act because I want to make people laugh. It usually works.”
“Well, you did succeed in making me laugh,” I whispered, cheeks heating up.
He grinned, pulling back away. “Let’s dig into the food. It doesn’t smell burnt which is always a plus for me.”