I shake my head Chapter 17

I shake my head Chapter 17
  1. Abandon 

+25 BONUS 


I logged into the group chat, ready to say my peace. It was time to get it out there. The guys had a right to know what I was doing. There were going to be some pushbacks but so be it

This wasn’t even unexpected! 1 had been wanting to live with my mate for a while now. She was finally done with school so it made sense for the two of us to take the next step. Then we could make our bond official and become actual mates, registered with the state and everything

Michael: Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know I’m officially moving out next week

Rain: Wait, what? Moving out

Colby: Is this like a short trip, or are we talking permanently moving out

Michael: Permanent. I’m going to live with my mate fulltime now. It’s time

Matt: You’re serious

Jesse: Man, are you sure about this

Michael: Yes, 100%. You are all here for Lia now, so she’s set. You’ll handle things fine

Rain: I mean, we are here for Lia, but this was kind of sudden

Matt: You’ve been the buffer, man. Lia’s family. Your part of what makes this whole thing work

Colby: Yes, no offense, but do you think everything’s going to be fine

Michael: What are you talking about? You’re all her mates. You’ve got it covered

Jesse: Bro. We’re still figuring out how to live together. There’sdynamics

Colby: And clashes. Rain and I argued about whose turn it was to do the dishes yesterday

Rain: You started that

Colby: Because you didn’t do them the day before

Matt: Case in point

Michael: You guys will figure it out. This is how packs work right

Jesse: Sure. Eventually. But, likeyou’ve been the glue, Mike. You’re family to Lia and us

Michael: I’m not your babysitter 

Rain: No, but you are the guy who helps Lia breathe when things get overwhelming

Sort of the stabilizer

Colby: Not to mention you’re the one who knows how to de escalate when Matt gets into his hyperfocus mode and starts bossing us all around

Malt Excuse me

Colby: Tell me I’m wrong

Matt:Okay, fine

Jesse: Look, we’re not saying don’t move in with your mate. We get it. But maybe give us a little more time to get 

17 Abandon 


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Michael: I get where you’re coming from, but no. This is what Lia wanted, too. She needs to build this life with you, and you need to step up for her

Rain: So, you’re going

Michael: Yes. You’ve got this. Trust me. And if anything, serious comes up, you know where to find me

Colby: No pressure of anything

Jesse: Well, guess it’s time to level up

Matt: I don’t like this, but we’ll make it work. For Lia 

Michael: That’s the spirit. You’re a pack. You’ll figure it out 

Rain: You had better visit

Michael: Obviously. Just don’t burn the place down in the meantime

Colby: No promises. Rain loves to set things on fire

Rain: Hey, I don’t like to set things on fire. What I do is accidentally set things on fire because I have bad luck

Michael: Guys I’m not going to stay so have you accepted it 

Matt: I guess so. But what about Lia

Michael: I haven’t told her yet

Rain: Michael, my man, you haven’t told your sister yet. God, you are screwed

Michael: Thanks, Rain

But he was right. I had to tell my sister and I needed to tell er in person

Later that day when she got home, I waited by the door. Lia looked surprised to see me standing there but I tried to play it cool

Hey, sis.” 

Hey, Michaelwhat is going on?” 

What do you mean? Nothing is going on

Great now I was lying to my sister. This was great, just great. I didn’t want to lie to her but it just came out naturally because I was worried about telling her the truth

She wasn’t going to be happy. I was the one who invited my four friends to live here and she thought I would be there for her. It wasn’t like I planned to leave so soon, but the problem was my future mate had graduated earlier than we thought she would

Michael let’s sit so you can explain everything to me. I knew something is going on so please don’t play stupid.The two of us sat in the dining room. I gazed across the table at her, wishing I didn’t have to hurt her like this, but it had to happen. It was always going to happen, but the timing ended up being sooner rather than later

I’m moving out.” 

Lia stiffened. What do you mean you’re moving out?” 

17 Abandon 

+25 BONUS 

*I was always going to move out to live with my mate, Lia 

Yes, but it wasn’t supposed to be for another like six months or more!” 

I sighed. The timeline shifted. She’s graduating early and after we had a talk, the two of us decided together to move in. Her folks have already gotten us a place.” 

You’re not even done with school yet.” 

Yes, but I will be in just a few weeks,I reminded her. Li I know you are angry but I must do this. I want to do this.” 

Lia blinked back tears. You want to leave me alone here with them.” 

Them? Lia, come on they are your mates.‘ 

Future mates,she corrected flatly. They aren’t my mates yet.” 

And? It’s good for the five of you to live together. The five of you are going to be a pack and I’m going to have my pack. That’s not to say I’m still not going to be there for you. You’re my sister and those guys are my best friends.” 

Lia stood up and glared at him. This is the worst thing you have ever done to me.” 

Liacome on,I pleaded, trying to get her to sit back down but she shook her head

No, leave me alone!” 

I listened to her storm up the stairs, her door slamming shut loud enough to rattle the things on the walls. Shit. That went a lot worse than I wanted it to go


My body was shaking, the rage overtaking me. I grabbed my phone to text Simone because I had to tell her what happened

I can’t believe this, Simone. Michael’s moving out! How could you let this happen?! -L 

What am I supposed to do, Lia? Chain him to the house. He’s got his own life to live. -S 

His own life?! Do you even realize what this means for me? I’ll be stuck here ALONE with FOUR FUTURE MATES breathing down my neck! -L 

Oh, come on. You’re acting like it’s the end of the world. You’ll survive. -S 

Survive? SURVIVE?! Michael was the only one keeping them in check! And now you’re just letting him leave like it’s no big deal? -L 

You’re being overdramatic. This isn’t about Michael leaving. You’re upset because he’s not around to act as your buffer anymore. -S 

Excuse me?! I am NOT using my brother as a buffer! -L. 

Really? Because it sure seems like you’ve been hiding behind him instead of dealing with your future matesyourself. -S 

That’s not fair, Simone! He’s my BROTHER. He’s supposed to protect me! You wouldn’t understand. -L 

No, Lia. What I understand is that you’ve been relying on him to avoid responsibility. Maybe it’s time you stenned 

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17 Abandon 

up and handled your problems. -S 

You’re unbelievable. This isn’t about responsibility! It’s about losing the only person I could trust in this insane 

situation! -L 

If you trusted him so much, maybe you should trust his decision to leave. He wouldn’t do it if he thought you couldn’t handle it. -S 

I hate this. And I hate you for being so cold about it.

I’m sorrybut you know I’m just going to tell you like it is. It doesn’t mean I won’t listen to your rant.

Yeah, I know.

I had enough people. With a tired sigh, I threw my phone onto the nightstand next to my bed and lay on my bed. This sucked. No, this more than sucked. How was I going to deal with this

My brother was abandoning me. That much I was sure of. It killed me to say that but that was what he was doing. I couldn’t imagine living here with my four future mates. Yes, I was using him as a buffer, something I readily admitted to but it was the only way I knew how to get through this

10 Guill 

I shake my head

I shake my head

Status: Ongoing


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