25 Their Loyalty
25.Their Loyalty
My future mates seemed to be preoccupied with what we were going to do about our future pack decisions. I didn’t know what to do as I was packless, something that came with its issues.
Our parents were part of a small pack, to begin with. They claimed they didn’t want to leave and wanted to stay because this was where their loyalty lay. Yes, it was small, but they were family. After my parents died, the rest of the back decided to go their separate ways.
It was my parents that were the glue that held it together. Without them, the others didn’t see the point. Michael and I were still young, having not gone through our coming–of–age ceremony yet so we had no legal rights to vote on the fate of the pack
Soon we found ourselves packless, a fate that wasn’t as uncommon as people thought in modern–day wolf society. Wolves just didn’t want to talk about it often, treating it like it was some type of taboo subject.
I never shied away from the fact that I didn’t have a pack. Some classmates tried to embarrass me about it, but I never let it get under my skin because it didn’t. Yes, I was without a pack and so what?
But, I was looking forward to being part of a pack again. Whether we created one ourselves or I joined one of my mate’s packs. It would be nice to have an instant family. At least, in theory, this was what a pack was supposed to represent.
Matt’s pack… was difficult and Colby’s seemed the same. 1 wasn’t sure about Rain and Jesse’s packs. Personally, I think creating our own pack would be best. It would be small, but perhaps we could recruit other wolves in the future.
As I stared out the window during my last class of the day, thought of how much had changed in a few weeks, When I first learned that my chosen mates were my four tormenters AKA my brother’s best friends, I was ready to flee the state.
I don’t know when things started to shift inside me. It happened after they moved in with me and a little around the time Michael moved out. Being with just them in the house forced me to interact with them more, unable to use my brother as a buffer.
I’ve since apologized for that. Michael wasn’t one to hold such a grudge–at least not over that and certainly not from his sister.
When the bell rang, I was gabbing my bag and rushing towards the door. Simone had left school early today because of a doctor appointment so I reluctantly asked the guys to drive me. The reality was, I needed one to drive me back home. All four? No, but they were starting to get terrortiral again so I said they can just come to the school together.
I got side tracked on my way out of school by one of my teachers, wanting to check in with me and see how I was doing. She was one of my favorite teachers in the school and one who understood my past fear of having my coming of age ceremony.
My phone buzzed, drawing my attention away from the conversation.
Hey, we’re here! :D–R
“Miss, I have to get going. Thank you for stopping to talk to me.”
“Anytime, Lia. Have a good night.”
Smiling, I headed outside and stopped in my tracks. The guys were parked behind a long row of cars, and standing
25 Their Loyalty
on the sidewalk presumedly waiting for me. It was what I expected to see… except for the four or five girls from my school who had approached them, giggling.
They were doing the stereotypical flirting behavior, Flipping their hair, batting their eyelashes, and giggling up a storm. I gripped the straps of my backpack, anger hitting me in an instant,
How dare they flirt with my chosen mates so blatantly when I could stumble upon them at any moment? They had no shame! They knew I was their future mate. The gossip of my coming–of–age ceremony results had spread all over the school like wildfire.
Growling softly, I took a step forward but then froze in mid–step. I… was jealous of those girls. What I was experiencing right now was jealousy, something I never thought I was going to experience towards those four.
“Oh hey, Lia!” Rain shouted, waving me over.
1 stiffened, forcing a smile and trying to pretend that I was all right.
The girls scattered all except one of them. Madison gazed at me, almost scoffing at my presence.
“See you around,” she said, giggling with one last hair flip before walking away.
“Let’s get home,” I muttered, glaring daggers at Madison.
The one thing running through my mind right now was getting my hands on Madison and tearing her from limb to limb.
When I got home, I went straight to my room. I felt my phone going off so I looked at my messages and saw that Simone had sent me a message.
My hands were shaking as I grabbed my phone. I couldn’t believe what was going on right now. Had I, Lia Brown been jealous of some of my fellow schoolmates for Birting with my mates? I wanted to chalk it up to the fact that my wolf instincts and hormones were running through my body, going crazy.
But I felt it was more than that. So, I did what I always did, turned to my best friend Simone and texted her. She sensed something was off with me when we were at school, but I told her that I was fine.
Simone didn’t believe me. She just left it alone because she didn’t want to stress me out in front of my mates. If they realized I was jealous then they were going to say something. I don’t know if I could deal with the embarrassment.
What’s up? -S
Simone, you won’t believe this I got jealous today. Me!
Wait, YOU? Jealous? Of what? -S
Those girls flirted with Colby, Rain, Matt, and Jesse when they came to pick me up. -L
Oh my God Lia? -S
Yes, really! I don’t even know why, but I was standing there watching them giggle and flip their hair, and I just felt–ugh–possessive. Like, “Get away from them!” -L
Possessive? Lia, you’re turning into one of those jealous mates we read about. -S.
Stop! Don’t make me feel worse. I’ve never been like this before! I don’t get jealous. But today? I was fuming. -L Okay, okay, but this is kind of hilarious. Are you jealous? Over the guys, you swore annoyed you. This is a peak
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drama. -S
It’s not funny, Simone! I just felt… off. Like, seeing them with those girls made me want to step in and–ugh–T don’t even know. -L
Sounds like the mate bond is hitting you hard. Your inner omega is coming out to play. -S
What mates bond? I’m not even close to accepting all this yet! They’re infuriating and teasing and why would I care who flirts with them? -L
Oh, sure. “Why would I care?” That’s why you were glaring at girls like they stole your lunch. Lia, it’s normal to feel this way. They’re your mates. -S
But they’re still the same guys who’ve annoyed me my whole life. I don’t even like them like that! -L
Uh–huh. That’s why you’re jealous of random girls. Admit it, you’re starting to see them differently. -S
Simone, stop psychoanalyzing me! This is why I didn’t want to tell you. -L
Fine, fine. But honestly, it’s kind of sweet. They’re your mates, Lia. It’s okay to feel protective. It’s instinct, not weakness. -S
Do you think so? -L
Absolutely. You’re just adjusting to the bond. Don’t fight it so hard. It’s natural to want to keep what’s yours. -S …I hate that you’re making sense. -L
I always do. And hey, at least now I know you’d growl if someone flirted with them. That’s badass. -5
I am not growling at anyone! -L
Sure, sure. But if it happens, I want to be there to see it. -S
Simone, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re worse than the guys. -I.
And yet, you still love me. -S
I dropped my phone onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling.
How was this happening to me? I couldn’t believe I was feeling jealous over a bunch of my classmates flirting with Jesse, Colby, Rain, and Matt. Whether I liked it or not, they had only eyes for me. The guys had made that clear since we started living together.
I hoped none of the guys had noticed. Rain likely didn’t and for Matt, it was up in the air. However, when it came to Jesse and Colby, I knew that the chances were high that they could have noticed. Those two, out of the four, were the ones who noticed these types of things.
If by chance they did happen to notice then I hope they wouldn’t bring it up to me. I don’t think I could live with myself if they did.