I tried to block Dad, but it was too late.
Her eyes locked on him.
Dad was taken aback. The woman in front of him, dressed in a silk dress, wearing makeup, looked elegant, completely different from the frumpy housewife he remembered.
He looked awkward, wiping the dirt from his face, offering a hesitant smile. “Donna, I’m back. This time, I’m here to stay.”
I glanced at Mom, dreading her reaction.
Instead, she smiled faintly. “Well, look who it
Her reaction confused me. I rushed to her side.
“Mom, call the cops! Get rid of them!”
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Mom gently chided, “Mallory! Don’t say things
like that. That’s your father, after all.”
Hearing Mom defend him, Dad relaxed.
He’d been a little worried that Mom would resent him, that he’d have to work to win her back. But now it seemed he’d overestimated things. She was probably thrilled to see him home.
His expression turned smug, and he reverted to his old, overbearing self. He pointed at me. “Your daughter’s got quite the attitude.”
Mom glanced at me, smiling and shaking her head. “That’s just Mallory. Don’t pay any attention to her.”
Dad didn’t want to make a scene. He chuckled.
“Why would I?”
He reached for Mom’s hand. “Donna after all
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these years…”
Mom smoothly stepped away, smiling at me. “Mallory, open the door. Let your father in.”
“Mom! Why should we let him in?”
“Open the door, or are you going to disobey your mother?”
I bit my lip, pulled out my keys, and unlocked the door.
Watching Mom’s back, Dad, despite being a little displeased by her actions, figured that after being away for years, it was normal for her to be a little temperamental.
He smiled, his earlier discomfort gone. Without
waiting for an invitation, he strode into the