Seething With Jealousy
[Denali’s POV
Flinching. I try to ignore the sudden hunger that flashes in Rosco’s eyes while he takes me in. Could I have been right, and his acting kind all along was an attempt to get me to lower my guard so that he could do something?
“Are you just going
to stand there?” He asks, taking a step toward me but stopping as I take a step back.
“No,” I say slowly, trying to calm my nerves, “I’m not.”
Getting myself together, I continue to move until I reach the bottom of the stairs.
“Ready?” I ask, making my way to the mansion’s exit
“Yeah,” Bosco responds.
As he moves forward, he attempts to touch me, but I quickly move out of his reach. I wasn’t sure if it was the way he had looked at me earlier or the nerves, but the thought of him touching me left me with a strange feeling
Remaining silent, he examines n
“There is a c
is a car waiting for us. L
but when he doesn’t speak, I have a sigh of relief
Let’s get going
The car ride to our destination is a long, awkward one. The atmosphere between Rasco and me is uncomfortable, and despite knowing I need to calm down, I just can’t stop my heart. What in the world was wrong with me?
“Am I scary?”
Rosco’s voice is quiet, but I don’t miss the tinge of hurt in it
“You’re acting like I’ll eat you if I get ahold of you,” he continues, turning his dark gaze on me. “Are you truly that afraid I’m going to do something?”
“L…” | begin, wanting to point out that just the other day he did something Something a heinous that it was a surprise that I was even willing to go along with him. However, I stop myself before voicing it. “Nervous.”
It’s a
lame response and one that I was sure would get me made fun of, but when Rosco doesn’t speak, I feel slightly better.
Maybe that was it. This whole time, I was simply nervous, given what was about to happen. Six months had passed since I last saw my family, and now I was approaching them with my husband
“You have no reason to br.”
Roscu’s voice is gentle as he speaks, and despite myself, I feel my nerves starting to calm ever so slightly. But before they can calm completely, our car comes to a stop, and I know that I’m about to face the demons of my past,
“Remember, I’m here with you now,” Rosen continues when I don’t speak. “You aren’t alone anymore.”
“Not alone,” I whisper.
Even back then, I wasn’t alone, at least not for the past five years. Why should I believe that he was any different from the one who hurt me so badly. It took just one look, one smile, and one approach, and relationships could crumble like a sand castle being battered by the waves at the beach,
As these thoughts begin to which, my door opens, and Rosco appears. When in the world did he manage to get out?
Get it together, Denali. I hull imvandly, Otherwise, you’re going to make a fool of yourself.
Forcing a smile, I step out of the car and then straighten myself cut while Rosco watches me.
“Are you ready?” He asks, holding out an arm. “Because from this point on, you’re going to have to pretend that you love me.”
“I’m *1 begin, slowly reaching out and touching him. “Ready.”
Forring a smile, I push myself close and try, with all my might, to pretend that I love the man beside me, I wasn’t sure if I was doing a good job but from the
Seething With Jealousy
looks of jealousy I was receiving from the hostess and waitresses, I could assume I was. And when we reach our table at the back of the restaurant where both our families are waiting. I know I’m succeeding by the flash of hatred that appears in Anastasia’s eyes,
“Hello” My father booms, putting on his dating father act. “We were beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost.”
“No.” Rosco responds, untangling himself from me so he can pull out my seat. “I’m afraid I am at fault for us being late. I just couldn’t seem to keep
hands off Denali
At his words, a low growl escapes Anastasia before Alexander shoots her a look. As she realizes that he is paying attention to her, she forces a smile, and when her expression shifts to mischievous, I know that no good is about to come.
“Is that so?” She purs. “Then there must be a pup in your near future. As she speaks, she reaches down and touches her belly, which I didn’t notice before was round and bulging
Eyes widening. I feel a pang of
: of hurt rush through me, knowing
“Not yet,” Rosco counters, placing a h
that Al
Alexander had actually impregnated Anastasia
a hand on my knee. “We’d like to enjoy our time a bit longer before that happens.”
Seeping my expression light, I try to ignore the sudden tingles I feel just from his touch, and when his hand begins to slide up. I fight the urge to push him away. I need to remember that this is all an act so that our families are satisfied, but from the look on his father’s face. I’m not sure if he is going along with any of this, especially given Resco’s actions the night before. However, with luck, he remains silent and just simply watches
“Isn’t that nice, father?” Anastasia continues, not giving up. “They’re actually getting along. I guess it is a good thing that Alexander chose me in the end.”
At her words, a low rumble escapes Rosco, but he doesn’t release me; instead, his hand tightens, and I realize that he is actually being possessive.
“Fate is never wrong.” my father chuckles, “It’s a blessing that both my girls can be with such strong alphas. I’m sure you’ve already gotten word about Anastasia and Alexander’s wedding,” he continues, fixing his gaze with mine. “It will be in just a few weeks, we don’t want them to not be properly mated and married before the baby comes.”
“I hadn’t,” I admit, trying to ignore the look that Alexander is giving me.
I look forward to iL”
“That’s great!” Anastanu beams. “I was so worned you wouldn’t want to come after everything. You know… With you and Alexander not working out because he was mated to me.”
“That’s enough,” my father snaps, not missing Rosco’s darkening gaze. There is no reason to talk of such things right now. Today is to celebrate Denali and Rosco’s marriage, so please mind your manners.”
“Sorry.” Anastasia pouts. “I was just so happy that my sister doesn’t hate me.”
“Hate you?” I repeat, giving a
a slow smile. “How could I possibly ever hate you when you’re family?”