[Denali’s POV)
I stare in the direction that Rosco disappeared while feeling something in me slowly shift, hut despite that, I don’t move; after all, I didn’t have the right to After a moment longer, I get up and head into the bathroom, which still holds Rosco’s scent, take a quick shower, then change into my night clothes.
Once I’m washed and comfortable, I get into bed and try to sleep, only to find that it ades me until finally the sun begins to rise. And despite the whole
night passing, Resen never returned.
When the emotions that I’m feeling begin to become too much, I get up, change into some workout clothes, and make my way out of the hotel and onto the street. Looking around, I make sure that Rosen isn’t hiding somewhere in an attempt to try to stay away from ne despite knowing I was being ridiculous.
“Bastard.” I grmel, beginning to jog
With each step, my mind clears a little more, but in the end, Rose’s hurt expression and the worry I feel over his not coming back consume ose
It was frustrating to know that I had already gotten used to him being beside use, even when we were only acquainted for a week. But I couldn’t deny that there was chemistry n us, but I didn’t know if it was from my need to have someone on my side or if it was something else.
Sighing, I come to a halt and stare out at the city around me. Italy was supposed to be the ity of love, but here I was a damn mess who didn’t even want to broach the topic of love after being shit on too many times.
“He’s right,” 1 haff, wiping some sweat from my skin. “Dammit, he’s right.”
My hesitance when it came to Bosco had nothing to
g to do with my dislike of him and everything to do with fear I was a fucking chicken, afraid of getting hurt again, and in the process, I was pushing away someone who seemed to be genuinely interested in me.
Alexander seemed to be that too. The small voice in the back of my head points out, causing a pang of juin to shoot through me.
“Right,” I whisper, turning and beginning to make my way back to the hotel. “Alexander was the same, and I ended up burned.”
Was I really willing to put myself in that position again?
When I
arrive at my destination, I find that a woman with a kind face and sparkling golden eyes is waiting for me.
“Miss,” she beams, seeming to relax a bit. “I was beginning to worry about you.”
“Uh…” I begin, taking in her sharp suit and brown librarian bur. “Who are you?”
“I’m Michelle,” she explains. “The master hired me to prepare you for tonight’s grand opening.”
So, despite staying away all night and being majorly pissed at me, Rose still managed to find someone to help doll me up for the night’s event. But did I really want to go, knowing that things would be awkward?
Snapping out of my head, I give Michelle a smile and simply nod. If I decided to try to skip out on the grand opening, then it would only bring trouble to the woman in front of me since she didn’t accomplish her job.
“Sorry.” I say, giving a small smile. “Please do what you need.”
For the rest of the day, I silently allow Michelle to do my hair and makeup, Once that is finished, she helps me into my ball gown, which is gold and skin tight to the point where I look like a dansa trophy and can barely more.
“You’re perfect,” Michelle beams, stepping back and taking me in. “Now for the finishing touches.”
“Finishing?” I repeat, raising a brow, “But I’m…
“No look is complete without accessories,” she explains, grabbing a black velvet box I didn’t notice on the dresser. “The master picked these out specially for
As she speaks, she pulls the box open su that I can see the delicate gold necklace with a teandrop diamond hanging from it. On either side of the necklace are diamond earrings and then a single ring with a blue gemstone sitting in the middle of it that match my eyes perfectly.
“He picked these out for me. I whisper, feeling my heart constrict painfully. “He really is too much.”
“Doesn’t it just prove that he cares?” Michelle counter, beginning to help me put the jewelry on. “He even went to such lengths to find the perfect shule af blue to match your eyes.”
“gus,” I respond, feeling a knot form in my throat.
“Now,” Michelle says, stepping back. “Let’s get you to that grand opening so you can be the envy of the evening.”
Twenty minutes later, I climb out of the car I’m riding in and let celebrities attending the resort’s grand opening.
rm tran the area, which in filled with reporters waiting to get the senop on all the
my expreuant
Luckily, as 1 pass, they don’t pay much attention tum, but the minute I step inside the building, all ever come to rest un mi. Trying to keep my straight, I move forward until I reach the banquet hall, and only wi
ate: the gawking in over do 1 finally let myself deflate.
Stepping inside. I take in the room around me until I find the one person that Joking for, but he can’t alone. Instead, he is stamling with Harold and Nadia while the old man talks adamantly and the woman clings to him like a parasite. However, that isn’t the thing that makes my heart hurt. No, I was finding that this was normal for her, but his allowing her to do it while
Swallowing, I begin to move, but stop as a waiter walks up to me and offers a drink Ghing slight smile, I take it and then continue to move forward until Rose’s ever come to rest on me
For a moment, 1 feel like a deer caught in
headlights as our garen lock, and
I’m met
painful coldness that I had never seen before..
I whisper inwardly, And I can’t blame him.
As we continue to store each other dowe Nadia’s gaze travels toward me, and when understanding begin to color her features, she presses herself against Roses and trails a hand along his broad chest. To my dissatisfaction, he doeuict stap her and even pulla bee closer against him with the hand I didn’t realize
of jealousy rolls through me so strongly that it takes my breath away and starter me
No. This trolde a be night; why in the world would I be jealous of Rico and Nadial I had alre
to help him create an heir, so why was this man bugeing me
him the night before that he could find someone
Because you’re full of shit. The small voice in the back of my head laughs at me. You let yourself believe in in a shon amount of time that you were
he wanted, and in the end, you pushed too hard and had to deal with the consequences