My ex-boyfriend is a big star Ch 1

My ex-boyfriend is a big star Ch 1

My exboyfriend is a big star 



So, picture this: I’m on this reality show, right

A total lastditch effort to revive my career, which, let’s just say, has been taking a nap for the last three years

And, of course, the producers decide to throw 

in a twist not in the script. For good TV,they 

want each of us to call the first person in our 

phone contacts and ask to borrow ten grand

And we can’t tell them it’s for a TV show

Now, I’m usually pretty chill, but when my phone 

was practically shoved into my hand, I felt my 

blood run cold

Because the first contact in my phone? It’s my 

ex, Jake freaking Evans

I know, I know, total rookie move. We broke up 

what feels like a lifetime ago, and I never 

deleted his contact

I shot a panicked look at my manager, Sarah

hoping she’d intervene, but she just gave me 

this cheery thumbsup. Trapped

The previous contestant managed to sweettalk 

their way into borrowing the money, so now it 

was my turn to face the music

The show’s screen projected my phone screen 

for everyone to see, which blurred the number 

but not the contact name

To my credit, I hadn’t used Jake’s actual name

choosing instead the nickname I’d given him

Jakey Bear.As long as he didn’t pick up,

was golden

My hand was shaking so bad I could barely 


I was mentally begging every deity I could think

of to let him have blocked my number or gotten 

a new phone

Apparently, the cosmos wasn’t on my side

The phone rang twice, then he answered

My heart did a little skipabeat routine

Hello?Jake’s voice, still a little rough around 

the edges like he’d just woken up, echoed 

through the studio

My brain shortcircuited

The host, naturally, was loving every second of 

this train wreck, mouthing to the camera, It’s


Olivia?Jake sounded like he was pulling 


himself out of a fog. What’s up?” 

I froze, completely speechless

Hellooo?He was getting impatient, and then he softened a bit. What’s going on?” 

I just stared, pleading with Sarah, but she just shrugged with this What were you thinking?” 

look on her face

Miss me?Jake asked, his voice taking on this 

playful edge

The audience made this little ooh!sound

I knew I had to stop him before he said 

something even more revealing. Swallowing 

hard, I squeaked out, Hey, um, could you 

maybelend me ten thousand dollars?” 

Dead silence on the other end. Three, agonizing

seconds of it


You’re calling meto borrow money?There was disbelief dripping from his words

I glanced at the crowd and felt like crying. I’d 

pay you back, I promise! I’m kindait’s auh” 

Beep. Beep. Beep

He hung up. Just like that

The studio atmosphere went from excited to awkward in a heartbeat. Everyone was silent

avoiding eye contact

My eyes started to well up. It was humiliating

but I also kinda deserved it. The way I ended 

things with Jake all those years ago? It was

low blow. The fact that he’d even answered my 

call was probably more than I deserved

The host, sensing the bomb of the scene

quickly changed the subject and moved on to 

the next contestant. As I went to turn off the 


projection from my phone, a notification 

popped up on my screen

Jake Evans sent you $100,000.00‘ 

My jaw dropped

My dumb ass just had to tap on it

And then, everyone in the studio saw the 


The room erupted


A hundred grand! He just wired me a hundred grand! I was so stunned I couldn’t even think 


Even the host forgot to be professional. Is 

thisthe Jake Evans?” 

Panic set in. I immediately launched into denial 


Jake Evans was a freaking superstar,

household name. If the world found out we used 

to date, my career would die a gruesome death

Sarah must have talked to the director because 

the host suddenly snapped out of it and 

smoothly segued to the next contestant

As soon as filming wrapped, I practically 


Sarah bundled me into a waiting car and 

started chewing me out the second we were 

moving. Olivia, what the hell were you 

thinking? You don’t keep in contact with an ex

especially after he gets famous!” 

After five solid minutes of being ripped apart,

looked at her with the most pathetic face

could muster. Sarah, am I totally screwed 




She threw her hands up in the air, frustration 

and exasperation clear on her face. Olivia,

swear, I’m being punished for something I did in 

a past life.” 

She pulled out her phone and started damage 

control. She told the PR team to be ready for 

anything and to quash any rumors connecting 

me to Jake the second they surfaced

But even with all the precautions, the news still 


Before I even got home, it was trending

Breaking: WashedUp Nobody Olivia Reed 

Dated Superstar Jake Evans 

Hot: Jake Evans and Olivia Reed Getting Back 


OMG: Is Jake Evans Still in Love with Olivia 


My social media blew up. Jake’s fans 

My social media blew up. Jake’s fans 

descended like a swarm of angry bees, leaving 

nasty comments about me trying to ride his 


I just stared at the screen, numb

Sarah sighed and took my phone. Don’t read 

that garbage, Olivia. I’m sure we can fix this.” 

I forced a smile. It’s okay, Sarah. Give me my 

phone. I’m going to return the money to Jake.” 

Compared to what happened back then, these 

comments weren’t even bad

I took the phone back and initiated the transfer

Then, I blocked and deleted Jake’s contact

Sarah was right. I should’ve erased him from 

my world a long time ago

My ex-boyfriend is a big star

My ex-boyfriend is a big star

Status: Ongoing


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