Chapter 37
Chapter 37
“This is all out of control. Lizzy”
I couldn’t hold back my anger anymore, when Lizzy came back around midnight. I don’t know what she was thinking, her husband was home and she kept panying with her friends who were all kinds of random.
You shouldn’t keep attending all the party invitations you get from your friends, Lizzy,” my mother said with a frown. “At least, when Peter is home, you should take care of him properly, instead of having fun by yourself”
Lizzy looked at me.
me, then at my mother. Her face looked scornful:
l and her smile was sarcastic.
“Why should I bother taking care of Peter? You’re his mother. I’m not his wife yet, so it’s not my responsibility. Besides, this isn’t my house. I don’t feel at home here and I don’t think what I do outside has anything to do with you guys. I don’t use your money to have fun, Lizzy said like a machine gu
I was flabbergasted. As for my mother, she looked shocked and pale. However, she had never received such resistance from Leora. My ex–wife was always silent and lowered her head when I my mother, and even Eva, scolded her.
“Larry How dare you fight met my mother snapped, glaring. “You’re pregnant with my grandson and will soon be married to Peter. Isn’t that enough to make you stay at home more often than hanging out outside?“–
Lizzy laughed loudly, as if she found her mother’s words very funny
Let me ask you where have you been all this time! You’re the one who always leaves the house, squandering the money Peter gave you to buy your young boyfriends expensive things. Do you know about that, Peter!” Lizzy asked sarcastically. “And your sister! She tried to blackmail me, asking for money.continuously on the pretext of college expenses, even though I know she lavi’t been to campus for a long time!“.
Oh God, what’s this. I fell down on the sofa, too confused about how to deal with all this. My intention was only to reprimand Lizzy, but now everything had become a mess like this.
The male voice that answered my call when I called Lizzy claimed that he was Lizzy’s modeling friend and when I finally got to talk to Lizzy, she was angry because she felt like I was trying to embarrass her by calling and selling her to go home.
“Don’t talk nonsense about Eva,” my mother snapped angrily. “She is an outstanding and diligent student. If she asks normal because she is active and has many activities on campus. You give her too little money. Pric
I had a headache now. I wanted to be angry with them but now I was the one being judged for not giving
them enough
mancy once in a while, it s
“Enough!” I snapped angrily. “Mom, about your boyfriend. I don’t want to give you any more money for your personal needs or for your household needs, if you are still with whoever he is. I don’t understand what you are thinking, dating a young man and spending money on him?”
My mother clicked her tongue. Im not like that. I’m just trying to socialize because I’m bored alone at home.”
“Oboo…… If what you mean by socializing is like this, tsk tsk tsk, you’re very good, mom, Lizzy quipped while showing me a photo,
My eyes widened when I saw the photo. My mother in the photo, wearing a bright blue bikini, sunglasses, holding a glass of wine, was laughing with
drunken face, surrounded by several young men wearing only skimpy swimming trunks, on a luxurious–looking yacht.
I turned to my mother with a tight feeling that was clumping in my slest.
What happened to my family! I had suspected that Eva might have started doing bad things and neglecting her studies, now, seeing my mother like
“Where did you get that photo?” my mother shouted while trying to grabs the phone from Lizzy’s hand and pushing it away. “You jerk. Lizzy Are you following mer
Because ile wai ibocked. Lizzy accidentally dropped her phone and seeing that, my mother immediately stomped on the phone until it was destroyed
“You laden! You broke my phonet Lizzy shouted hysterically. He pushed my mother and made her stagger. You have to p
paying fur back fur fullurring me and taking pictures without permission!” my mother replied.
to pay for it!”
“Power” Lizzymapped “I can’t take it anymore. I’m going back to my own house I don’t want to live in this slum anymore, with your mother and juar shameless unter! You are all piut pallirtir (”
Tang, dans tout the solution” I said desperately. “We have to stay here becative Lan’t leave my mother and sister”
102 por fara handi sani laa laps and groaned sarcastically. “Oh, go ahead. If you don’t want to come with me, then let’s eish this unreasonable
er as your family“–
“Norway, hurry, you have to stay here: 1)
grily. “Thoms be so chillah
like that.”
1:17 PM
Chapter 37
Lizzy grinned sarcastically. “Threaten? Are you kidding me? I’m still going. This house makes me sick! Your fa
family is like trash!”
I pulled my hand away in surprise. I didn’t mean to slap Lizzy at all. My hand moved spontaneously because I didn’t like her words.
Lizzy held her cheek and her eyes were glassy. “Did you slap me?”
“Sorry, honey, I’m sorry,” I said in panic. “I didn’t mean to”
Lizzy pushed my hand away and left without paying attention to me. Not long after I heard the sound of the bedroom door slamming loudly.
I sighed and sat down on the sofa, feeling confused about everything that had happened. I must be unlucky today.
My mother potted my shoulder lightly. “Never mind, Peter. She’ll be nice to you again with a liule coaxing. She loves you leave you like that.”
so much that she
I looked at my mother in disappointment, Lizzy’s phone was still scattered on the floor.
“Why did you destroy Lizzy’s phone, mom! Do you hope that if it was destroyed, the picture of you in a disgusting state would be erased from my
My mother’s face turned bright red and she became nervous. “N–no, Peter, it’s not like that. Im just… Upset. She must have ordered someone to follow me so she could find out what I did wrong and tell you about it.”
“You’re really too much, mom. How could you do embarrassing things like in that photo?” I snapped angrily. “Aren’t you ashamed? You’re not young anymore, mom, what are you looking for with your behavior like that? Are you pretending to be a millionaire mistress who likes to buy pleasure?”
This ume my cheeks felt very hot. My mother slapped me quite hard and it seemed she was also surprised by what she did.
fun and you treat your mother like a
“Don’t be rude, Peter. Your words are really excessive. I was just trying to fill my time by having a little f prostitute” my mother shouted angrily.
I could not hold myself back anymore and felt that everything was so absurd, I chose to leave. Ignoring my mother’s shouts, I left the house and walked to the car.
I walked along the streets at nine in the morning on this unlucky weekend with confused thoughts and feelings of annoyance piling up.
Why is my life getting more and more messy now! I thought, after I divorced Leora and was with the woman I loved for a long time, my life would be very fun and happy.
In fact, everything was very contrary to th
the picture I had originally imagined. That peaceful and calm life was when I was with Leora
I used to think that Leora was rude to my mother and sister and liked to complain about bad things, but now I realize that my mother and sister were the ones who were rude to Leora and they always tried to hurt her.
I hit the steering wheel with a feeling of anger at myself. I was so stupid and blind, always blaming and hurting Leora, in order to defend my mother and sister who had been mean to her.
suspected her of wasting
I imagined again how I scolded her to death when she couldn’t cook because she didn’t have money to go shopping and I money on lier personal pleasure. In fact, it turned out that the money was actually used and spent by my mother and sister.
Guilt pressed into my throat, making my eyes hot. I moved the steering wheel to the side of the road. I felt too confused to continue driving.
Just as I turned off the car engine, my phone rang. I saw Eva’s number on my phone screen,
I snapped loudly when I received her call, “WHY DON’T YOU–”
“Fxcuse me, are you a relative of Ms. Eva?” asked a strange voice that answered my curse. “I’m Irish from the Sunshine clinic. Ms. Eva was brought here ten minutes ago and is in quite a serious condition. Can you come and confirm
My hands were shaking and my gaze was blank. God, what is this?