My heart was cut Chapter 40

My heart was cut Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

Lrora Pov 

What do you want

on the 

Peter looked very disheveled. He seemed to have not been home for some time, because his clothes looked wrinkled and there was a stain on bottom of his shirt pocket. The shirt he was wearing was also wrinkled and looked shabby

is hair was messy, his undereyes were dark and puffy, and his chin was speckled, a sign that he had not shaved

When I was still his wife, I never let him wear the same clothes for two days in a row and I always provided clean and ironed clothes sleek and neat 


were very 

1 provided a razor and soft cream for him, dried his hair perfectly and applied fragrant luir tonic with my own hands to him and even provided- expensive hair mist so that he could always keep his hair neat 

Leora, can we talk while sitting down for a while! Please? Peter asked in a pleading tone

1 could feel the gazes of several people who I felt were starting to be interested in our interaction, including Wilma, who was standing behind me, carrying some paper bags that she had just unloaded from my car

ng to Wilma 

Nurse Wilma, there are some snacks in those paper bags for the staff. Could you help me pass them out at lunch? I asked, turning 

The nurse’s face lit up. Of course, Ms. Leora. Thank you so much,” she said

I smiled and nodded. Don’t forget to be prepared. The grand opening is in two days and I want everyone to look their best for the event.” 

Don’t worry, Ms. Leora, we re all excited about it? Wilina said excitedly

I glanced at Peter. My office is on the eighth floor 

Peter followed me to the elevators in silence. That was unusual so l’igured something extraordinary must have happened to him for him to be this QUICL 

I opened the door to my office and heard Peter gasp behind me. I smiled silently. His reaction was the same as anyone else who had entered this room for the first time 

my taste. He really knows what I like and what I want, so when this room is finished. I can’t help but reward him with

Noah designed my office, to my 

Leleora, is this hospital really yours!Peter asked cautiously as I invited him to sit on the sofa

YesI answered without trying to be humble at all. My grandfather bought this building for me even before he found me, as an investment for me. He managed the money I received from my late parents as an inheritance, so the amount continued to grow. You know, Kent Jeremiah is a reliable businessman and has a sharp business sense, so he was able to dominate the business world even when he was no longer young

Peter swallowed and he lowered his head. I guess, I have turned into someone cruel now, because honestly, I enjoy seeing him look embarrassed 

and awkward 

I don’t know where the arrogant and confident Peter from before went

Ah I forgot to tell you,I said. Your sister and mother, don’t they really like shopping? Please tell them that in two or three months, the department store I built will be completed. Thave planned to hold a grand opening event and there will be giveaways for visitors, branded goods from sponsors. They definitely won’t want to go home once they come to the department store” 

This time Peter & face turned pale. He looked very anxious and confused

Tell them that Peter said nervously 

be in two days and 

Ah, I about forgot. What do you need! I have to coordinate with the staff in a moment. The official opening of the hospital will be coincidentally if you or anyone here is a patient, you will get a lot of benefits on the opening day.” I said cheerfully

Oh, God. I have never felt this happy, facing the person who once hurt me, now looking like a lover in front of me

Wilma had till or in the lobby, that Peter was waiting for me regarding his sister’s condition who had an accident. Yes, it’s Eva, his sister

un’t the only proddem, so Peter was so intent on waiting for me to arrive since the right before

Lesta, please, Lured your help? Peter said in 

in a pleading tone.Eva had an accident and her condition is quite concerning 

jartending to be shocked. How could that bet Was she drunk, while driving?” 

Peter sighed and lowerd 


It seemed very difficult for him to tell the story

Chapter 40 

a single accident. She hit the curbs, but she wasn’t drunk, Prier said softly

Then? How is she?I asked in a suff tone

The doctor has treated her and it’s not too serious, but there’s one thing that’s giving me a headache, Peter said

Why Oh yeah, if you’re worried about the hospital fees, don’t worry, I said. I founded this hospital with the intention of helping the less fortunate, so the fees for patients who seek treatment here are not as expensive as in other hospitals. We have a large social fund and with certain procedures,” 


can get it 

Ts not about the fees, Peter said in an irritated tone 

My eyebrows raised. Ah, of course. I forgot that you’re a director of a famous company. You can definitely afford whatever the hospital charges 


Please, Leora, can you stop being so cynical? I really need your help right now, Peter complained desperately

Hearing his words, I laughed because I felt amused. Me? Being sarcastic to you? Hey, I’m a businesswoman now. We have to be professional, and I guess you’re mistaking my attitude for being sarcastic?” 

Peter took a deep breath TI’m sorry y for all the hurtful things I’ve done in the past, Leora. But right now, I really need your help

I shrugged. Seeing him like this made the evil side of me feel indulged. He was begging me? Hey, it was kind of nice to see him holding back from runing like he used to 

Okay. What do you want?” I asked more gently

Well Peter said in a low voice. “Eva She’s Pregnant.” 

Pregnant?” I said in a tone that I tried to keep flat Wow, congratulations. You’re going to have a niece. I guess yours and Lizzy’s child is coming soon night! li must be fun, having a child and a niece so close together.” 

That No. Leora I didn’t want the child to be born. I mean, the baby in Eva’s womb

controlling her rights? You should support your sister. Who is her husband? Isn’t he 

Try, why? You can’t do that Eva is her mother, why are you c 

y that you did this?” 

SheIva is not marriedPeter said. I saw him clench his fists tightly. His knuckles were turning white. You know, there’s no way she’s married” 


So she’s not married and now she’s pregnant. So what’s the problem? She must have a boyfriend and do it with him 

She partied and got drunk. There were some guys with her at the time and when she came to the hotel roomAnyway, she only realized she was pregnant recently and tried to abort it because she didn’t know who the father was” 

Peter’s voice was shaking, a mix of anger and sadness, and I think he was embarrassed too

Wow, I mundled. Thars camined her, not me. We have some good obstetricians here and if you want, I can recommend the best one in my opinion” 

s just like Eva Okay, I get it. So, now, what does that have to do with me? You should consult the obstetrician who 

No, dut is not it. Leona. I. Can you do me a favor, so one of the obstetricians here willUhI mean.. since you authority

u own the hospital and you have the 

Oh, you’re beating around the bush, Peter, I don’t have much time. My staff is probably waiting, I interrupted impatiently

I want one of your doctors to help Eva with the abortion, Peter said quickly


My heart was cut

My heart was cut

Status: Ongoing


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