n the past, he would have stepped in without hesitation, shielding her from such a moment. But today, for some reason, he felt Elizabeth might surprise him.
Most of the guests had some background in piano, even if only casually. They could easily recognize Albin’s exceptional skill. Their eyes were fixed on Elizabeth, many of them waiting eagerly for her to falter.
The Norris family was at the top of the social hierarchy. The thought of Oliver’s wife bringing disgrace to his family only fueled the satisfaction of the women he hadn’t chosen, adding a vindictive glint to their eyes.
Melany’s gentle voice broke through the tension. “Elizabeth, don’t worry about how it sounds. Just enjoy the moment. Your thoughtfulness is gift enough for me.”
Shawn nodded in agreement. “That’s right, dear. No need to compete with Albin.”
Elizabeth inclined her head gracefully. “Thank you, Melany and Shawn. Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to present my gift.” With that, she smoothed her dress and took her seat at the piano, her movements poised and calm.
For a moment, she hesitated, her fingers hovering above the keys as though reacquainting herself with an old friend.
Kailee’s grin stretched wide, barely able to contain her glee. She could already envision Elizabeth becoming the punchline of every high-society gathering after tonight.
Suppressing a snicker, Kailee pulled out her phone, switching to camera mode to document what she was certain would be Elizabeth’s humiliation.
The opening notes were soft and unassuming, a gentle melody that flowed effortlessly under Elizabeth’s fingers.
Kaffee’s ears caught nothing noteworthy, and the murmurs of the crowd mirrored her disinterest.
“She knows her way around a piano,” someone murmured, “but after Mr. Murray’s performance, this feels… lackluster.”
It wasn’t the disaster some had hoped for, but neither did it captivate the crowd.
But Elizabeth remained unbothered, utterly engrossed in her performance. Her focus was unwavering, her posture refined—her long neck and poised shoulders forming an elegant silhouette that carried down to her arms. Her fingers glided over the keys with a grace that resembled swans in motion, fluid and mesmerizing.
No one could deny the sheer beauty of the image she created. Her poise alone dispelled any notion of her small-town upbringing, radiating a refinement that seemed almost innate. The graceful elegance she exuded felt more like the legacy of a family with generations of refinement.
Melany’s expression shifted, and she glanced at Shawn. Their eyes locked, a shared look of surprise passing silently between them.
The sudden shift in Melany’s and Shawn’s demeanor didn’t go unnoticed. Conversations hushed as more guests turned their attention back to the piano, curiosity sparking.
Confusion rippled through the crowd—what had startled the Norris couple so deeply?
Even Albin began to sense it, his eyes narrowing as realization dawned. He leaned forward, his voice breaking the silence. “This… this is Mr. Morrison’s final masterpiece!”