Chapter 0018
Chapter 0018
“How dare you say that about my son?!” This time, Tonet expressed her anger. She looked at Anthony and demanded, “You should fire him! He is disrespecting our Co!”
“I think he simply stated a fact. Whoever is the CEO of ACE Construction Company is wise and committed. He bagged three major projects across the state in three years despite it being a new company,” Gina said, and Noel echoed the same.
“I don’t think requesting a collaboration with ACE Construction Firm is the best solution. They will see it as a desperate move on our part,” Adrian said. “We should just focus on getting other projects.”
The Williams are renovating their building. The local government has a few road widening projects,” Adrian suggested.
“But those are petty projects!” Fredrick objected. “It is not in our portfolio!”
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Adrian said.
“That’s it –“Fredrick slammed his hand against the table and said to Adrian, “Are you forgetting that I am the CEO? Are you forgetting that you lost your chances because you had leaked company data –”
“I already said I had nothing to do with it!” Adrian shot back. “You keep pinning that on me when all you have is an email trail that happened while I was away!”
“Either way, Adrian, you couldn’t handle being the CEO. What image are you going to show the world?” Tonet pointed out. “You are disabled!”
“Enough!” Anthony scolded. “How many times do we have to discuss this!”
Anthony snapped at Adrian and warned, “Adrian, you must accept that Fredrick is now the CEO. As one of the directors, you should cooperate by helping your brother.”
Yes, that was true. Adrian lost the CEO race primarily due to leaked company information, the evidence of which was an outgoing email that happened while Adrian was on vacation. The second reason was his disability.
Three years ago, Adrian’s condition was not as good as it was today. The board of directors saw his disability as a hindrance to attracting business partners and clients. Thus, they voted in favor of Fredrick and assigned Adrian to the company’s healthcare entity.
“And I already said that our construction firm should find jobs for our people. Otherwise, we will be obliged to pay salaries when no work is ongoing. We must make the most of what is available, regardless if it is within our portfolio or not,” Adrian retorted.
With a sigh, Anthony said to Fredrick, “Try to collaborate with Ace Construction Firm, but if they do not agree, then we will go with Adrian’s suggestion –”
“But, Dad –”
Fredrick tried to reason, but Anthony raised a finger. He said, “We have over two thousand employees in our construction business. Where will we get the money to pay them during idle time? A project, any project, no matter how small it is, is better than nothing.”
Later that day, Adrian was working on his laptop from his office when Clint walked in with the news. He said, Engineer Philips has received the call. The King’s Enterprises are offering a collaboration. I told him right away to decline the offer.”
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Adrian glared at his assistant. He asked, “Are you the CEO?
“Ah, no, Boss. I’m sorry,” Clint regretfully said. “I’ll call Engineer Philips.”
“Good,” Adrian said. “Tell him that I decline the collaboration.”
“Eh, that’s exactly what I did, Boss,” Clint said hesitantly.
“All directives should come from me, even if you know what I would say,” Adrian reminded, and the poor assistant nodded.
“You are the boss,” Clint confirmed.
When Adrian was alone in his office, he leaned back in his seat and mused, ‘Father, Fredrick, how would you react if you find out I am the CEO of ACE Construction Firm?”
He smirked and softly muttered, “I look forward to that day”
LiLhyz Author
May 15, 2024. Chapter 2-2. Thank you for patiently waiting. The
next chapter is tomorrow.