Why did you marry me 25

Why did you marry me 25

Chapter 0025 

Riley was in a dream. She saw her young self sinking deep dream quickly shifted to her body, lying on the beach with 

Adrian was leaning closer and was about to kiss her

to the water, struggling to swim to the surface. Her handsome Adrian King above her

Riley jerked awake with her hand on her chest. She panted, and her heart was galloping wildly! She muttered, That dream again.” 

Two days had gone by since Riley discovered who truly was her mysterious savior seven years ago, and since then, she had dreamed about how it would have looked like if she was awake when Adrian performed CPR

Dammit, Riley, it was CPR, not a kiss!She scolded herself

Riley checked the time and was surprised to find herself awake at six a.m. She figured she could visit her mother early, so she bathed and changed quickly. Walking out of her room, she noticed Adrian’s room was slightly open

She paused, thinking, Is he back?‘ 

Adrian had been away for two days. He said he would return today but mentioned it might be after lunch

Or, is Aunt Linda cleaning his room this early?Riley muttered. Still, Riley was so curious that she walked towards Adrian and called, Aunt Linda, are you here?” 

Riley knocked on the door, but no one answered. She invited herself in and instantly heard the water running in the bathroom

Her brows met, and she scanned the room. She noticed a man’s suit on the bed and Adrian’s electric wheelchair on the other side

Adrian was back

Riley panicked. She was about to head back to the door when Adrian walked out with only a towel around his waist. He was as startled as Riley. Adrian nearly slipped

He held on to the wooden handrails and said, Riley! What are you doing here?” 

Oh, my god!Riley immediately rushed to Adrian and helped him up. She said, I’m sorry. Put your ” 


paused and looked at Adrian. Time suddenly stopped as she studied him closely

His hair was still wet. Droplets of water dripped down his body. He was bare from his waist up, and my god, he 

had fine muscles! She said in her head, Put your wet and muscular arms around me.‘ 

But her senses quickly returned to her, and she instead said Put your arm around me.” 

Adrian did as Riley told. He slowly wrapped his arm around Riley’s shoulder

Very quickly, the scent of manly aftershave engulfed Riley. Her eyes locked in with Adrian’s gray orbs as she apologized, II’m sorry for walking in on you.” 

Riley didn’t have a good excuse for entering Adrian’s room. So, she said, I thought Aunt Linda was here.

entered, wanting to ask her something. I wasn’t expecting you to be here because you said would be back in the 


Adrian gripped the handrails tightly with his other hand while watching her closely. He answered, That’s fine. Since you are here, care to help me?” 

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0025 

The man was technically leaning against her, his chest and abs pressing onto her petite body. Riley could not help but peek at his fine physique. She looked down and quickly glanced back up at Adrian’s athletic face. She replied, I’d be glad to help.” 

Walk me to my wheelchair,Adrian instructed. 

As Riley helped Adrian to the other side of the bed, she asked, Did you go into the shower alone? How far can you manage walking?” 

A few steps,Adrian responded, But it’s shaky and unstable. The handrails around my room help me move around. There are also handrails in my bathroom, and I have a seat there whenever I shower. I try to walk further each day when I have the time.” 

Yet again, Riley studied the walls in Adrian’s room. Indeed, handrails were everywhere. When Riley helped Adrian settle into his wheelchair, he explained, My business finished early, so I arrived early.” 

I see,Riley said, trying not to look at his body

Do you want to help me choose my clothes?Adrian requested

Sure,Riley answered. Are you going out 

Yes,Adrian said. To see your mom.” 


Oh.Riley smiled. Then, I guess I should choose for you

She easily found Adrian’s walkin closet and selected from hundreds of clothes. She decided on a white long- sleeved shirt and denim jeans. Riley did not want Adrian to look so imposing when meeting her mother, so she opted for more casual attire

Is this okay?Riley asked after walking out of the closet

Whatever you think will make a good impression on your mom,Adrian said

Riley laid the clothes on Adrian’s bed. Then she awkwardly asked, Do you need help getting changed?” 

A laugh escaped Adrian’s lips. He answered, No, I’m fine

Oh, okay,Riley said, but she remained standing there before Adrian

Adrian chuckled and asked, Are you going to watch me?” 

Oh! Oh!Riley felt her face burn, and she immediately turned around, giving Adrian her back. Still, she remained in her spot

Then, Adrian chuckled again. He said, Riley, do you mind waiting outside my room? Or you can wait for me at the dining area for breakfast.” 

Of course!Riley was utterly embarrassed. What was she even thinking? She reasoned, I just wanted to make sure you are okay and don’t need my help anymore

I have managed to do things on my own, but I certainly appreciate your help today, Riley,Adrian said with a smirk. “Thank you for picking out my clothes.” 

You are welcome, Adrian,Riley said before slowly walking towards the door

Can you close the door for me?Adrian asked

Sure, I’ll wait here and join you in your private lift,Riley said, glancing sideways before finally walking out


+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0075 

Okay.Adrian responded

Unlike Riley and the others, Adrian had an elevator that he would use to move himself between floors. Adrian had told her she was free to use it, but it was ridiculous to use the lift when she had capable legs

When Riley closed Adrian’s door, beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She leaned back and muttered, What is happening to me?” 

Meanwhile, back in Adrian’s room, the man sighed deeply.te slumped on his wheelchair and scolded himself, Adrian, did you forget to lock the door? Never do that again 

Shaking his head, he remarked, That was close.” 

Still, recalling Riley’s efforts to help him, he smiled and remembered the blush on her cheeks. He said, Soon, Riley. Soon.” 

Why did you marry me

Why did you marry me

Status: Ongoing


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