Chapter 1031
Chapter 0031
Riley blinked. She stared at Adrian with her heart racing She asked, “Now?”
“Yes, of course, now,” Adrian answered “Clint delivered the certificate early in the morning, Now that you are a free woman, we can go on our first date.”
Riley panicked. She looked down at herself and back to her doset. Adrian must have sensed her nervousness that he chuckled. He said, “I’ll give you an hour to get ready. Were staying there overnight.”
“I’ll meet you at the breakfast table,” he added. He moved his wheelchair but soon returned, reminding her, “And Riley, remember, when we get to the island, you will officially be my girlfriend.”
“Right,” Riley answered.
“See you,” Adrian said before finally moving to his room.
With that, Riley hurriedly closed the door behind them. She called Renee to let her know she wouldn’t be visiting before scrambling to prepare her things.
Two hours later.
“Ahhh!” Riley screamed as the speedboat leaped from the water’s surface and landed with a splash. “Haha! This is so much fun!”
Her eyes watered in amusement, and her smile was neverending. She loved the rush, the feeling of the wind blowing on her face and whipping her hair.
“This is so thrilling!” Riley looked around. She described the view of the sea, the distant port, and the tall buildings, “It’s amazing!”
Adrian laughed beside her. He said, “I think watching you getting thrilled is more amazing.”
Riley laughed with Adrian. She admitted, “I haven’t been on board a speedboat, and a luxury one at that! Whenever Brian and I went on a trip, we would travel by car or airplane, then by car.”
With a smirk on his face, he mumbled, “I’m glad I got to claim this first.”
“Ha?” Riley raised a brow, a bit confused, but before she could analyze his words, dolphins suddenly leaped the water, not too far from them. “Oh, my god!“!
The two were seated in the backseat of the luxury speedboat. Riley grabbed Adrian’s arm. The excitement gave Riley enough strength to pull Adrian closer to her frame. She pointed to the dolphins and said, “Look, Adrian!” Adrian ended up bumping his chest into Riley’s back, and when she turned to him abruptly, their noses touched.
Riley froze. That familiar heat crawled up to her face, and her heart galloped. She pulled away, softly saying, ” Sorry.”
Adrian, however, did not move. He stared at her intensely before he said, “It’s okay. It happens in a bumpy boat ride.”
In the next few minutes, Riley thought the boat ride had accelerated. She occasionally hopped on her seat while sliding in Adrian’s direction. Now and then, their boat driver, Miguel, would turn to them with a smile.
“Exciting ride, right, Miss Allen!” Miguel exclaimed.
“Yes!” Riley ended up clutching her hand against Adrian’s chest. She described, “It’s exhilarating!”
Soon, the speedboat ride took a steady pace, yet Riley remained with the man who had his arm around her. She had no complaints. She felt warm and safe in Adrian’s arm He had always made her feel that way.
Adrian didn’t move in the next few minutes, so Riley glanced at him. Eventually, she realized that Adrian had dozed off through his dark glasses. The backseat had a headrest, which allowed him to rest comfortably.
Still, he was holding her tight. Riley thought of pulling away, but she was worried about waking him. If anything, Adrian deserved a good rest. So, she simply studied him, necting all his outstanding features.
Adrian wore a knitted shirt that hugged his body well. He wore white shorts for the occasion and dark shades to cover his eyes. Riley thought Adrian looked very handsome but was there ever a day that this man looked dull? He was simply gorgeous in whatever he would put on.
On the other hand, Riley wore a white summer dress for their trip, and she thought it was nice how they were wearing the same color.
Riley smiled while just watching him. She thought, ‘This isn’t so bad…becoming Mrs. King. It’s actually great!” She looked away when she felt her cheeks burn. She silently scolded, ‘Riley, don’t get ahead of yourself.” When Riley looked at Miguel, the boat operator, he was chuckling. Sure enough, the young man caught her staring at his boss!
“So what? Riley huffed. ‘Technically, we are boyfriend and girlfriend, based on our agreement.”
Adrian cleared his throat. In his usual deep voice, he said, “I’m sorry. I briefly closed my eyes. Did I miss something exciting?”
“Ah, no.” With a smile, Riley said, “Nothing.”
“Miguel?” Adrian addressed the speedboat driver.
“Don’t worry, Sir, Miss Allen was enjoying the nice view,” Miguel said.
Miguel was Adrian’s speedboat driver and assistant on the island. He was a young Hispanic in his early twenties and looked very athletic. Adrian had told Riley he was the go–to person if she needed anything on their mini- getaway.
Soon, their party arrived at Adrian’s island. Riley’s eyes gleamed, seeing the white sands and the green vegetation around the modern–style vacation home. They were still in the jetty, but Riley could see how it was grand.
After Miguel tied the boat, he stepped into the jetty and said, “Ladies first.”
Riley left Adrian’s side to take Miguel’s hand. After that, Miguel just stood there, as if waiting for Adrian to get up. It puzzled Riley, so she offered herself, “Let me help you, Adrian –‘
“No, Miguel!” Adrian scolded.
Miguel reacted only after seeing Adrian grimace, “Oh, right, Boss! Sorry. I forgot!”
Very timely, an older man walked up to them, carrying another electric wheelchair. Adrian had insisted on not bringing his wheelchair because he had one on the island.
“Good morning, Sir. Good morning, Miss. I trust you had a safe and enjoyable boat ride,” the older man said.
Adrian had already made it to the jetty. He was still standing with Miguel’s support. He introduced the old man, This is Miguel’s father, Lorenzo. He and his wife, Mariana, and Miguel have been looking after the island for three years.
Chapter o
“It’s nice to meet you, Lorenzo,” Riley greeted with a smile
“Oh, finally! Mister King brings a woman, and she is lovely Lorenzo remarked.
Adrian let go of Miguel’s hold, and Riley automatically approached him. As Adrian wrapped Riley in his arm, she rested her arm around his back
“Lorenzo,” Adrian said. “This is Riley Allen, my girlfriend, Please treat her well during our overnight stay”
“Let’s go, Hun?” Adrian said while tuming to Riley, his expression as calm as ever.
Riley’s face turned a shade darker as she glanced at Adrian, Her heart raced before she found the words to say, ” Yes, Hun.”
Two hours later, Adrian was working on his laptop from the pool area of his vacation home. Riley had taken a short nap before exploring the island, so Adrian took the opportunity to check Adley & Co’s progress.
Clint had put out an ad to fill the positions needed to jumpstart the company, and Adrian was going through resumes that had already been filtered.
“Adrian! Let’s swim!” Suddenly, Riley stepped out, looking like an angel. She had her golden hair down and wore
white, two–piece, yet conservative, bikini.
How she walked and waved at him replayed in slow motion in his mind. Riley simply took his breath away. She looked absolutely beautiful, and with her improved eating and sleeping habits, her radiance had returned. Adrian gulped. He felt his throat become paper–dry. Barely a whisper, he said, “Fuck. I’m doomed.” ‘What are you talking about, Adrian? This girl had doomed you long before,‘ he silently said before lazily answering Riley, “Let me get changed first.”